
Explore your local library and your community with EVPL as your guide! Join the conversation as library staff recommends favorite titles, shares personal stories, highlights library resources, and much more. New episodes are released on the first and third Monday of every month. Don’t forget to check it out! 

Listen to Check It Out With EVPL anywhere you can find podcasts – YouTube, Apple podcasts, Spotify, and more.

Share your questions, comments, and suggestions with us at podcast@evpl.org.

Meet the Team 

Aaron is a dedicated devourer of various horror media including movies, books, video games, and creepy pastas. When not seeking his next scare, he’s often buying too many socks. He also helps his amazing wife keep the peace between two cats and a blind dog at home.


Ellen loves books, video games, D&D, and podcasts. When not working she can be found at home, where she lives with four cats, one dog, and one human husband. 




Audra is still faithfully waiting for her Hogwarts letter to arrive. Until that day comes, she can be found reading, remodeling, and avoiding homework through stress baking. 



Jamye is that “interesting” woman who lives on the edge of town and loves gothic fiction, historical fiction, and fables. When she isn’t reading in the hanging chair on her back porch she is growing and drying herbs, dyeing wool, or trying to figure out her new spinning wheel.






Due to impending severe weather and library locations without internet service, all EVPL locations will CLOSE at 2:00 pm.But our digital resources are available 24/7.