
VolunTeens Sign Up

  • Choosing your location or department to volunteer.

    VolunTeen positions are available at EVPL Central, EVPL East, EVPL Oaklyn, EVPL Red Bank, EVPL Stringtown, and EVPL West. There will also be positions available in our Administrative Support department, Outreach Department, and Technical Services Department (all located at EVPL Central). Please see the descriptions below about these departments:

      Administrative Support Department: volunteering in this department may consist of helping our HR department with quiet tasks, such as filing, putting together packets, etc. You will learn more about our training and onboarding process. This volunteer position will not be out in the public areas of the library (not helping with programs or interacting with the public).
      Outreach Department: volunteering in this department may consist of helping our Outreach department with quiet preparation tasks. Volunteering here may also consist of attending community events and helping at the EVPL table (events such as Haynies’ Corner First Fridays, festivals, etc.) Will require your own transportation to community events.
      Technical Services Department: volunteering in this department will consist of quiet preparation tasks, such as placing stickers on books, unloading new boxes of books, etc. This department works on purchasing and processing all of our materials that can be checked out (books, DVDs, etc.).This volunteer position will not be out in the public areas of the library (not helping with programs or interacting with the public)

    *Note: Because of limited volunteen spots at each location, we can not guarantee that you will be placed as a volunteer at your location of choice.

    *Note: Due to the historic nature of the EVPL East, West and Stringtown buildings, their spaces are not fully ADA accessible.