
By Becca Scott

As you begin your holiday shopping or sort your kids’ outgrown winter clothing, EVPL is collecting hoodies and fleece jacket/pullover donations for Hangers, the EVSC Foundation student clothing resource center.

Needed are new or gently-used:

  • Hoodless or hooded sweaters/sweatshirts or fleece
  • Zip up fleece


  • Any solid color; no large images or patterns, but small manufacturers’ logos are acceptable
  • However, school logos are permitted – and spirit wear is welcome!
  • All sizes are needed, but especially adult sizes for middle and high school

Donations can be brought to any EVPL location between December 1 and 30.

Please do NOT bring any other types of clothing donations other than the items above. 

Thank you for helping local students!


This drive is being organized by Helen A., Lucyanne K., Becca S. and others.

Becca Scott
Director of Communications and Community Impact

Becca Scott

With 8 locations throughout Vanderburgh County, EVPL is ready to discover, explore, and connect WITH you! We encourage you to uncover new things, revisit old favorites, and to engage with us along the way.

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