
By Kimberly B.

STEAM Weekly Challenge

Every week, EVPL will be posting a new STEAM challenge for you to complete from your home! The challenge will run from Monday until Friday. Your parents can help, or you can complete the challenge on your own. We would love to see your creations! Submissions will be posted the following Monday when a new challenge is presented.

Marble Run


Use whatever items you can find around the house to create a track for a marble. The track can travel down a wall, up and down furniture, or across the floor. It can be small enough to fit in a box or big enough to travel around the whole room.

Suggested Materials 

You can use anything that a marble could roll through. Things like paper cups with the bottom cut out, toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, sheets of paper rolled into tubes or funnels, or pool noodles. Even your pet hamster’s plastic tunnels! If you are creating your marble run on a wall, painter’s tape makes it easy to reposition parts without damaging the surface.

Additional suggestions to enhance the challenge

  1. Place a target at the end of your marble run and see if you can get the marble to land on the target.
  2. Make your marble run 3D! Use the furniture to make your marble run go all around the room.
  3. Try rolling different items through your marble run. How does it work when you send a pompom through or a toy car? Does the shape or weight of the item change how it travels?

Age group/grade level suggested 

    Younger ages can create simpler tracks while older kids can try more complex designs. Younger children may need some help assembling the track, but the design should be the child’s.

    Submission requirements

    Send a picture of your ice cream to marketing@evpl.org to be featured next week!

    First name


    Learning outcomes


    Kimberly B.

    Kimberly B.

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    All EVPL locations will be closed for our Fall Staff Development Day on Friday, September 27. But our digital resources are available 24/7!